Important Information

What to do if...

...Your child is unwell

Any child who has or develops an infectious illness must always be kept at home in order to prevent the spread of infection; the following is a small list of such illnesses. This includes conditions such as vomiting, diarrhoea, discharges from eyes or mouth, conjunctivitis, sore throat and obvious rashes. Children suffering from vomiting and diarrhoea must be kept at home until clear of these symptoms for 48 hours. We kindly ask that parent’s carers call the nursery before 9.30am if your child is unable to attend. Further details are displayed on the parent’s notice board or available from the Nursery Manager.

For further information please refer to our Sickness and Illness Policy and Health Protection Agency – Guidance of Infection Control in Child Care Settings

...Your child has a special need

The nursery is committed to the inclusion of all children and the Play People believe that all children have the right to be cared for and educated to develop to their full potential alongside each other through positive experiences, to enable them to share opportunities and experiences and develop and learn from each other. We provide a positive, fully accessible and welcoming environment where children are supported according to their individual needs.

The nursery is committed to working alongside parents to identify and support individual needs to enable us to help all children to develop to their full potential. Our nursery Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Sonia Lee who works alongside parents to assess children’s strengths and plan for future support. Sonia will ensure that appropriate records are kept according to our Special Educational Needs Policy and works closely with all staff to make sure there are systems in place to plan, implement, monitor, review and evaluate the special educational needs policy of the nursery, always making sure plans and records are shared with parents.

...If you have any concerns about your child or would like to make a complaint

Please speak to or email the nursery manager at the earliest opportunity so we discuss your concerns.

Useful Things To Know

What your child needs to bring with them

Each child should have sufficient clothes for their daily needs plus a spare set in case of accidents. These should be in a bag with their name on. We kindly ask that children do

not bring valuable items with them as the nursery cannot accept responsibility for loss and damage. Please bring with you sun hats for the summer months and wellingtons for the winter months, again clearly labelled and slippers for indoor use.

Parents of babies and children who are not fully toilet trained are to provide enough nappies and wipes to last the day.

Please provide a drinks bottle(again clearly labelled). All drinks and snacks will be provided by the nursery but if your child is staying for a full day you will need to provide a healthy lunch box.
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