Typical Day

Typical Day

Each session begins with a lively and engaging carpet time, where children are welcomed with songs and group discussions. This interactive time helps develop communication, language, and social skills. Non-verbal children can choose their favorite songs using picture prompts, and everyone enjoys learning the actions together.

We provide plenty of free play, allowing children to explore their interests at their own pace. Our experienced team sets up the nursery daily based on the children’s current interests and plays alongside them, enriching their experiences and supporting learning through play.

Sessions also include a range of teacher-led activities, such as arts and crafts, construction, music, dance, yoga, science, cooking, sports, and sensory play. Over the term, children build skills and work on exciting projects, with their progress proudly showcased in their learning journeys and group discussions.

Outdoor exploration is a regular part of our routine. We enjoy nature walks, visits to the local park, and, in the summer term, trips to exciting places like The London Aquarium and Battersea Park Zoo.

Stories and reading are integral to every session. Books are always accessible, and group storytime brings everyone together. For children who find sitting still challenging, we bring stories to them in creative ways and play listening games to build their attention skills.

Children staying all day should bring a packed lunch (hot or cold) from home. We provide healthy snacks, water, and milk during morning and afternoon sessions.

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